Benefits of Employee Security Awareness

Cybercrime is becoming more and more sophisticated by the day. Even with a strong firewall, employees who don’t know how to take preventative security measures can put your company’s digital assets at risk.

Here are some simple tips you can use to help your employees understand and practice security:

  • Install Virus Protection: Each company computer should have a virus protection program installed for everyday security. Be sure to activate automatic updates.
  • Secure Passwords: Make sure your employees are creating multi-character passwords including letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Identify and Avoid Malicious Emails: Show your employees common examples of malicious emails (like IT scams) to avoid viruses. Be wary of unfamiliar contacts and links.
  • Do Not Share Company Information: This would include private company wifi networks and passwords.
  • Do Not Share Devices: Your company devices, like your laptop, tablet, or phone, contain private company information. Keep these devices to yourself. Also, be sure to keep these devices locked with a secure password.
  • Backup Data: With computer backups being able to store and save up to years of data, frequent backups are a vital tool to recover any lost files, especially if your device crashes or is stolen.
  • Permitted Software/Application List: Though a firewall can prevent unauthorized downloads, letting your employees know up front what type of programs they are allowed to download on company computers is beneficial to your network’s security.


Learn How to Identify and Avoid Email Phishing. Click Here for Product and Training Solutions.

What are the benefits to employee security training?

  • Abide by industry compliance regulations.
  • Save money by avoiding security breaches.
  • Provide better protection for your clients’ personal information.
  • Create a competitive advantage by promoting your company’s security efforts.
  • Provide employees with useful information that is applicable to both work and home security practices, including tips on how to avoid identity theft and fraud.

Need more information on the best IT and security practices? Schedule an appointment today.

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