Migrating To Microsoft Office 365 (Questions/Answers)

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 has been wildly popular since it first hit the market. Each new version of this cloud-based productivity suite has brought something exciting and innovative to the table. The latest version comes with the most changes and new features of any version so far, all designed with users in mind.

Is Moving To The Cloud Expensive? (Your Questions Answered)

Moving To The Cloud

There are many advantages to moving your IT infrastructure to the Cloud. Your business can gain efficiency, productivity, mobility, flexibility, and data security. But what are the costs of moving to the Cloud. Will it be more expensive than using onsite IT solutions?

Looking For An Chicago IT Provider Who Communicates Clearly?

Chicago IT Provider

Spectrum Behavioral Health is a psychiatric outpatient organization with two office locations in New Lenox and Hinsdale, Illinois. With 20 employees, psychiatrists and psychologists on staff, they rely on their IT system to provide confidential mental health services and medication management for their patients.
