Desktop vs. Laptop. What Works Best for Your Business?

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Purchasing computers for your business can be a tough decision to make. There are a lot of factors that influence your choice and what will make the most sense for your business.

Cost is obviously a thing to consider, and traditionally laptops have been more expensive than desktops, but that has changed in recent years. Now, you can find a laptop that may be the same price or lower than a desktop.

You also want to consider the nature of your work. If your employees are out of the office a lot or even travelling for work, a laptop would be the most sensible decision.

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Desktops can be easier to use, with larger keyboards and mouses. You can buy mouses for laptops, but if the keyboard or built-in touch mouse on your laptop breaks, then the integrated system makes it more expensive to fix. With a desktop, you would just buy a new keyboard or mouse.

Functionality of laptops has improved, closing the gap between what a laptop and desktop can do. You can purchase external hard drives as well, providing more storage for a smaller laptop. You can keep all of these things in mind when choosing what type of equipment is best for your business. Once you’ve made the decision to go with a laptop or desktop, you will have to choose what brand or specifications you want too.

According to the International Data Corporation, the top five PC vendors in the United States are:

  • HP, 29.9 percent market share
  • Dell, 26.2 percent market share
  • Lenovo, 15.2 percent market share
  • Apple, 11.8 percent market share
  • Acer, 4.4 percent market share

IDC reports positive growth in the PC market, as people continue to buy new technology.

Tablet use also continues to grow, and we provide support for Windows Surface Pro and Windows Surface Book as well.

We provide 24/7 support for our customers, including sales and support for Dell, HP, Lenovo and custom-built laptops or desktops.


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