Is the iPhone Behind the Times?

Despite all of the appeal and the cult-like following of the iPhone (and Apple products in general) arguments never cease when it comes to the iPhone keeping up with the “Next Big Thing” (aka Samsung).

If it’s not the iPhone’s lack of innovative features in comparison to Samsung’s HDR camera capabilities or its curved HD screens, it’s another thing – like Apple’s limited app store.

However, with new features coming to the iPhone 7, Apple plans to squash any non-users’ debates and show that they are indeed with the times.

While the world patiently waits for the latest iPhone, a very interesting survey was conducted by the advertising technology company Fluent to uncover what current iPhone users and non-iPhone users would like to see in the new phone.

A recent study from Forbes highlighted three very important questions regarding improvements, rumored features, and structures smartphone users would like to see in the iPhone 7.

Photo Credit: Forbes


More storage wins the vote for both iPhone and Android users at 22%, and who can really argue with that? For example, if Apple adds a better camera, it should add more storage for pictures and videos. The list of reasons for more storage can go on and on.

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Rumored Feature

took the vote by a landslide at 56% for both iPhone and Android users. Most people don’t drop their phones in the toilet or forget to take it out of their pocket before swimming, but your phone’s battery can still be damaged by a small, unexpected rain shower. And we all know how pricey the fees are when it comes to replacing damaged devices.


Photo Credit: Forbes


Samsung’s distinct curved glass screen offers user-friendly convenience (like quick access to commonly used apps right from the home screen). But with 65% of surveyors responding ‘no’ to wanting to see this feature for the newest iPhone, it presents an interesting case.

The overwhelming response could stem from both Apple and loyal iPhone users not wanting a similar design to a Samsung device. Certainly Apple wouldn’t want anymore chaos like the design patent battle that finally ended after years of court visits.

Whichever direction Apple chooses for the iPhone 7, we’ll be following along closely and reporting the latest news in our upcoming blog, “Recap of the iPhone 7 Event.”

What features would you like to see in the iPhone 7? Let us know below.

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