Microsoft Outlook Migration Further Delayed

We know that some of you have been patiently waiting for the migration of the experience since 2015. For those of you that have received it – consider yourself lucky. For those of you that haven’t…it looks like you’ll have to wait even longer.

Microsoft reported in April that only 175 million out of 400 million users received the new experience.

Initially, the tech giant’s plan was to release a preview of an updated experience like the “regular” Microsoft Outlook client to users progressively. By doing so, Microsoft executives plan to introduce handy capabilities including:

  • Side-by-Side Editing: Allows users to edit attachments opened in email seamlessly through the Office suite
  • Add-ins Support: Partners include GIPHY, Yelp, Wunderlist, Uber, Paypal, Evernote, and Boomerang

Other capabilities include:

  • Improved Skype Integration
  • De-Cluttering for Mailboxes
  • Mail Themes
  • Link Previews
  • Pop-Out and Compose Windows
  • Suggested Contacts
  • Automatic Flight Notifications

The migration also provides added security and reliability.

The original Outlook runs on a legacy structure, causing integration issues with Outlook and Office 365. Without the migration, you’ll have limited abilities to certain features, like Shared Calendars. Currently, only allows calendar sharing through links.

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So, when will the migration finally be complete?

The buzz for the delayed migration started again early this week when an incorrect error message was sent to a user inquiring about the update. The message stated that it would be available by the first half of 2017.

Not only did Microsoft refute that statement, they stated that they are now in the final stages of migration and have released the update to 90% of Outlook users.

However, for the remaining 10%, especially those that use Shared Calendars, the update is still delayed for an undisclosed amount of time.

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