Avoiding Disaster: The 7-Part Plan For When Your Server Crashes

No matter how new or how old, you never know when an unexpected issue could take your server offline. Do you have a plan in place to deal with server failure?

When everything is going well, the last thing you want to do is think about what will happen when something goes wrong.

It can be easy to think that just because you’ve recently installed the latest version of something, or invested in brand new hardware, then you must be set.

Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Even brand-new technology can be problematic. It’s just the cost of doing business.

We don’t have to dwell on the potential for disaster though – you and I know that it’s a possibility, so let’s just leave it at that.

What’s important about this is that you know to cover your bases. No need to assume the worst – just plan for it, so you know you’re covered.

When Something Goes Wrong…

Just recently, we had a past client get in touch with us because they needed our help right away.

Their server had crashed, and their team had been working non-stop for 24 hours trying to get it up and running again. No luck.

It had been stuck in a boot loop for a while, which is when they called us. They needed a technician to come in ASAP to get the server back online.

Again, you may not want to dwell on the thought, but you never know when something like this could happen to you.

If your server were to crash right now, what would you do?

What 7 Steps Should You Follow To Deal With Server Failure and Other IT Emergencies?

Follow these 7 keys steps to develop your server failure response plan:

  1. Plan For Server Failure Ahead Of Time.
    Simply thinking through what needs to happen when things go south (and documenting it all ahead of time), can go a long way toward getting your server back up and running quickly whether it’s affected by a natural disaster or your more garden variety human error
  2. Automate Your Data Backups.
    The primary cause of data loss is human error – but in any event, when a server crashes, data loss is still a risk. If your backup system depends on a human being always doing something right, it’s a recipe for disaster. Automate your backups wherever possible so they run like clockwork.
  3. Diversify Your Backup Options.
    On-site backups are a good first step, but if they get flooded, burned or hacked along with your server, you’re out of luck. Be sure to always maintain a recent copy of your data off-site.
  4. Don’t Forget About System Images
    If your system is compromised, the software and architecture that handles all that data must be restored for it to be useful.

    Imaging your server creates a replica of the original, saving you an enormous amount of time and energy in getting your network back up and running, should the need arise.

    Without it, you risk losing all your preferences, configurations, favorites and more.

  5. Keep A Detailed and Up To Date Record Of Your Network
    To rebuild all or part of your network, you’ll need a blueprint of the software, data, systems, and hardware that comprise your company’s network.

    An IT professional can create this for you. It could save you a huge amount of time and money in the event your server needs to be restored.

  6. Don’t Cut Corners – Routine Maintenance Is Key!
    Cybercrime threats can be more likely to occur than natural disasters, which is why it’s critical to keep your network patched, secure and up-to-date.

    Deteriorating hardware and corrupted software can wipe you out. Replace and update them as needed to steer clear of this threat.

  7. Don’t Forget To Test!
    If you’re going to go to the trouble of setting up a plan, at least make sure it works by double checking it on a regular basis. An IT professional can check on a monthly basis to make sure your systems work properly and your data is secure.

Bottom line? You can handle all this yourself and possibly get by, but as with that example above, at some point, you may have to call for help. Why not cut out the middle man and get a reliable Managed IT Services provider to handle your server maintenance right now?

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