The Benefits of Cloud Computing

Businesses of all sizes, verticals, and locations are moving towards cloud computing technology, and it’s hard to blame them. Cloud-based systems allow companies more storage than they’ll ever need while giving them access to a seemingly limitless number of programs and apps. It’s all stored in ”the cloud,” an off-site server that reduces office upkeep and downtime while increasing resources and space.

“If it’s so great then why doesn’t everyone use it?”

There are a variety of reasons that businesses are hesitant to switch to the cloud model, but for the most part, it comes down to uncertainty. The idea that your organization relies entirely on another for their tech needs makes a variety of business owners uncomfortable – even though it’s one of the most secure methods available. Here’s a breakdown of the benefits:

Flexibility and Cost

Most cloud computing services utilize a subscription-based model, which many small businesses have come to embrace. Instead of investing in your own servers, hardware, and software – companies are able to ramp up or trim down their services in the blink of an eye. And they don’t need a garage sale to get rid of their old tech gear.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

With servers hosted in a remote location, security instantly becomes a thing of the past. Instead of hiring an IT department or third-party to manage your network, updates, and safety – you simply let the cloud take the reins. Updates are applied automatically, so you don’t have to waste precious work time focusing on errors.

The Team That Works Together…

Instead of shooting the same email attachment back and forth between groups of people, cloud computing workflow apps allow multiple users to access the same document and make edits in real time. Having all files stored in one central location with the same file name, type, and up-to-the-minute changes is an invaluable step in streamlining your office.

If You Have Internet, You Can Work

Regardless of location, workers anywhere can access everything they need with the click of a mouse – or touch of a finger. Most cloud computing services now offer mobile apps on top of their usual utility. Both fewer sick days and a decrease in commute time mean more productivity from all facets of your business.

Looking to learn more about cloud computing? Here’s an additional resource.

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